About Us

Shelter foundation is a non-profitable and non-governmental
organisation that helps less privileged children without access to education

Our Mission

To help the less privileged children in the society have access to free education. To help children who are orphans have an access to free home (hostel) accomodation, feeding and clothing during session in school.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Our History

The first wooden facility was built with the help of some kind-hearted and passionate people. There the first teaching took place. In the same Year the main building was under construction.
In 2020 the first main building was completed in a modern way, with 5 class rooms, 4 toilets, a water supply and electricity. In that same year we were able to get our first mobility (tricycle) with the help of donors.
As the children began to increase in number the first building
became to small.
So in 2021 a second building was errected with the help of the donors who saw the importance of helping the less priviledged people in the society.
As they fill belong and full of lives, donated a second tricycle and a bus to the organisation, to be able to reach out as far as the rural area of our capacity